Renewable Energy Desalination Systems
Renewable Energy Advisor for Domestic and Industrial Production
User Manual & Tutorials
This is a performance model of the Humidification Dehumidification Desalination Process. Water Heated Humidification dehumidification (WH-HDH) process is used for producing fresh water from saline water at sub-boiling temperatures. This process uses a low-temperature source such as solar energy or waste heat source. Although these heat sources are available with minimal operating costs, an optimum thermal design is required to maximize the water production rate for given heat input. In this work, the main design and performance parameters are investigated for two HDH cycles namely, water-heated and air-heated cycles. First-law based thermal analyses are provided and performance charts are presented by considering assumptions. The system contains the following: 1-Humidifier. 2-Dehumidifier 3-Heat source. Users can control the heat source to get the results of the amount of productivity that should be produced. https://youtu.be/QnpBqNGG_g4 **MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Anaerobic digestion is a sequence of processes by which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. The process is used for industrial or domestic purposes to manage waste or to produce fuels. Much of the fermentation used industrially to produce food and drink products, as well as home fermentation, uses anaerobic digestion.As part of an integrated waste management system, anaerobic digestion reduces the emission of landfill gas into the atmosphere. This is a design model, so the user would have to assign the production rate of the gas in order to get the results about the anaerobic digestion design such as volume, height, flow rate, area, load, hourly costs, etc... https://youtu.be/VdAA_3zCpfs
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
In this model Linear Fresnel Collector (LFC) has been used as power source for thermal desalination process. LFC is considered as as a brine heater (steam source) for evaporation via direct vapour generation through the solar field. Flash evaporation tank is used to generate the steam from the heated brine from the solar field. The brine content from the flash tank is considered as a blowdown or rejected brine. End Condenser unit is used for condensation process. Seawater or saline water will be pumped directly to the solar field. Free salt steam will be directly goes towards the condenser unit for condensation and fresh water production. Seawater will go first through the condenser unit for the cooling purpose of the extracted steam that coming from the solar field. Nanofilteration unit is added in order to reduce the salinity contents in the intake saline water. It will be considered as a pre-stage before the condenser unit. All auxiliaries will be powered via the main grid. The cycle contains the following: 1-Pump unit. 2-Nanofilteration unit. 3-Condenser. 4-Linear Fresnel Collector (LFC). 5-Flash evaporation Tank. 6-Cost block. The current model is a design model so the user will be able to calculate the following: 1-Design area. 2-Thermal efficiency. 3-Exergy results. 4-Design aspects such as loops and mirrors. 5-Cost analysis. https://youtu.be/uOaHekKuyT4
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This model is about cooling load calculations for a specific refrigeration cycle or for design analysis. Calculation of thermal loads of buildings adapted for cooling in summer and heating in winter is important for the accuracy of the design and the appropriate choice of equipment for the adaptation of air and air handling units in order to meet the requirements of operation, thermal comfort and good distribution of air in the adapted place. User will be able to calculate external and internal loads.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub All rights reserved.
In linear Fresnel systems, as with parabolic-trough collector systems, solar radiation is concentrated onto a line and can be coupled to steam cycles for electricity generation. These systems have been developed with the aim of attaining a simpler design and at less cost than the parabolic-trough systems. The collectors in a linear Fresnel system are made up of a large number of mirror segments that can individually follow the path of the sun. Unlike parabolic-trough collectors, the absorber tubes in the Fresnel systems are in a fixed position above the mirrors in the centre of the solar field and, therefore, do not move together with the mirrors as they follow the sun. The system can operate with oil, water or molten salts. Current designs use water directly in the receiver tubes at 50 bar pressure and 280oC. The current model is a design model so the user will be able to calculate the following:
1-Design area.
2-Thermal efficiency.
3-Exergy results.
4-Design aspects such as loops and mirrors.
5-Cost analysis.
6-Water working fluid is the main fluid. More working fluids can be added in request.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Flash tanks are designed to have an internal velocity slow enough so that the venting steam will not pick up any water. To accomplish this a large diameter tank is required. The model of Flash Separator uses a smaller diameter tank and a tangential inlet that spins the condensate around creating a low pressure area in the centre of the separator. This allows the condensate to flash into the centre and follow it upwards to the centrally located vent providing clean dry steam. The smaller size and clean dry steam are the reason why current model of Flash Separator is replacing traditional flash tanks. user has to assign only the following parameters: 1-High pressure, bar. 2-Low pressure, bar. 3-Steam flow rate, kg/s. The model will calculate the following: 1-All design aspects (Flash tank diameter, height, Drain, vent, etc). 2-Dryness fraction. 3-Temperature, oC. 4-Enthalpies, kJ/kg. 5-Total mass flow rate, kg/s. 6-Bottom tank flow rate, kg/s. 7-Cost analysis, $/y, $, and $/hr.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Solar Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) has been used for vapor compression air conditioning cycle. Three types of ETC can be selected. The existence of ETC will help to increase the C.O.P by reducing the compressor power. R410a has been used through the proposed cycle. User can add more working fluids based on his design. The cycle contains: 1-Application load, TR. 2-Evaporator unit. 3-Compressor. 4-Solar ETC. 5-Air cooled condenser unit. 6-Expansion valve. User can select between two types of operation: 1-Vapor Compression Air Conditioning (Conventional Cycle). 2-Vapor Compression Air Conditioning + Solar ETC (Solar VCAC). Dynamic modeling is allowed in order to feel the effect of solar radiation on the process cycle. Solar Radiation Model is included in case of dynamic model version. https://youtu.be/BdyrxAJYQ5A
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Adsorption Water Cooling for Air Conditioning system is presented in this model. SilicaGel material has been used in this model. Silica gel is an amorphous and porous form of silicon dioxide (silica), consisting of an irregular tridimensional framework of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms with nanometer-scale voids and pores. Water has been used as a main refrigerant through the cycle. The cycle contains the following: 1-Evaporator (water). 2-Bed reactor tank (SilicaGel/water). 3-Condenser (water vapor). 5-Expansion valve.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This is a direct contact membrane distillation type for desalination process. Watch the tutorial video about how to use it.
This is a performance model for Hemispherical solar still distillation. User can calculate the still performance based on some general parameters. Area and design limits are considered known. User will be able to calculate the following: 1-Temperatures, oC. 2-Heat transfer coeff's. 3-Productivity. 4-Energy equations. 5-Efficiency. 6-Cost analysis.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This system is about coupling Hydro power Pelton Turbine systems with Concentrated Solar Gas Engines (Brayton & Stirling) for Standalone applications. The hybrid system contains the following:
1-Hydro Power System.
#Upper tank.
#Lower tank.
#Pelton turbine.
#Centrifugal pump.
2-Concentrated solar gas engines (two models: Brayton and Stirling).
3-Main grid power.
4-Splitter & Control room for load distribution.
#Cost analysis.
#Load distribution. 5-Application load. User should specify the application power and will be able to compare between different technologies based on the cost. https://youtu.be/c2p8lEq5B60 **MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model. Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Vapor-compression Air Conditioning system (VCAC), in which the refrigerant (R410a) undergoes phase changes, is one of the many refrigeration cycles and is the most widely used method for air-conditioning of buildings and automobiles. This system is used for cooling and heating purposes. User can switch between summer and winter seasons. In this model, user will be able to run the model dynamically. R410a is used. User can add more working fluids based on his design. The cycle contains:
1-Application load, TR. 2-Evaporator unit. 3-Compressor. 4-Air cooled condenser unit. 5-Expansion valve. 6-Application switch.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model. Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
The main objective of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is to turn the solar energy trapped by the ocean into a usable energy. There is a main two types: Closed cycle, and open cycle. Both can be built on land, and/or offshore platforms. The current system is a closed cycle type which operates the Ammonia (NH3) working fluid. The fluid is evaporated using warm surface seawater temperature. After the vapor drives the turbine, it is condensed by cold seawater temperature. This condensate is pumped back to the evaporator again. The system is built based on design technique of modeling. The system contains the following: 1-Evaporator unit. 2-Turbine. 3-Condenser. 4-Pump. 5-Sea depth calculation. Ammonia (NH3) and seawater prop's are provided in excel sheets and embedded correlations. https://youtu.be/sMpqqR0zjJo
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This is a simulink Lookup table model for Freon R32, R125, and R410a.
R410=50%R32 / 50%R125
Solar Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle (SARC) system is similar to vapor compression system in which compressor is replaced by solar heat driven adsorption bed. The adsorption bed is integrated with a flat plate solar collector (FPC/Bed REactor) and contains a porous adsorbent medium (low grade charcoal). This model is a design model for Solar Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle (SARC). Solar flat plate collector is attached to the bed reactor for heat generation process. The cycle contains the following: 1-Evaporator. 2-Bed reactor tank. 3-Solar collector (FPC/water). 4-Condenser. 5-Expansion valve. 6-Activated carbon is used as a bed salt. 7-Methanol CH3OH is used as a main refrigerant.
In this Evacuated tube Solar Collector (ETC-Water working fluid) design model, the system is attached to an intermediate heat exchanger. The system is used to generate hot steam via heat exchanger tank. User will be able to discover the total area based on the assigned thermal load volume. The following parameters can be calculated: 1-Mean plate temperature. 2-ETC total area. 3-Overall losses. 4-Efficiency. 5-exergy analysis. 6-System total thermal power. 7-Total system area, design operating conditions and flow rates. 8-Heat exchangers design.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This system is about coupling Photovoltaic power systems and Horizontal Wind Turbine for Standalone applications. The hybrid system contains the following: 1-Horizontal wind turbine. 2-Photovoltaic with battires. 3-Application. 4-Cost analysis, design and control room for load distribution. User should specify the application power and will be able to compare between different technologies based on the cost.
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
The cascade refrigeration system is a freezing system that uses two kinds of refrigerants having different boiling points, which run through their own independent freezing cycle and are joined by a heat exchanger.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub

This system is about coupling different Photovoltaic/Diesel Generator systems for Standalone applications. The hybrid system contains the following: 1-Photovoltaic with battires. 2-Diesel engine. 3-Main grid power load. 4-Application. 5-Cost analysis is considered User should specify the application power and will be able to compare between different technologies based on the cost. The system is performed based on design technique of modeling.
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This video is about how to change the operating conditions for solar desalination flashing process by the use of multi effect distillation process. The video will show you how to use signal builder in order to change the input data with respect to time domain.
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Model download link: https://www.redslibrary.com/product-p...
Solar Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) plant with (Single Flash Cyclone-Evaporation tank) is operated in order to power on the Multi Effect Distillation desalination plant. User can assign the total plant productivity. No power generation developed through this model. It is operated for only desalination. The plant consists of: 1.PTC water steam working fluid. 2.Pumping unit. 3.Flashing tank. 4.MEDpf configuration. 5.Cost analysis. User can assign the following: 1- Top steam temperature, oC. 2- Inlet feed temperature, oC. 3- Last effect temperature, oC. 4- Performance parameters for the pumps and end condenser unit. 5- Feed and brine salinities ratio. https://youtu.be/mDZ1l29Jh1w
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
A reciprocating compressor or piston compressor is a positive-displacement compressor that uses pistons driven by a crankshaft to deliver gases at high pressure. The intake gas enters the suction manifold, then flows into the compression cylinder where it gets compressed by a piston driven in a reciprocating motion via a crankshaft, and is then discharged. Applications include oil refineries, gas pipelines, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and refrigeration plants. 12 working gases are available in this model. The model is made for single cylinder (single or double acting) gas compressor. Multi stage reciprocating gas compressor is modeled. User can assign the number of stages and the acting type.
1-Monatomic gases.
2-diatomic gases.
3-Polyatomic gases.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
All rights reserved.
This system is about coupling concentrated solar gas engines (Stirling & Brayton) power systems with Horizontal wind turbine (HWT) for Standalone applications. The hybrid system contains the following:
1-Horizontal wind turbine. 2-Concentrated solar gas engines (two models: Brayton and Stirling).
3-Batteries bank. 4-Application. User should specify the application power and will be able to compare between different technologies based on the cost.
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
In this model Solar Organic Rankine Cycle (SORC) by the use of Toluene and Therminol-VP1 heat transfer oil is used for electric power generation and desalination purposes. The desalination part is represented by membrane distillation. Biogas fired boiler is used for sunoff periods. User will calculate all design aspects, energy streams, exergy, cost and thermo-economics. The cycle contains the following:
1-PTC Therminol-VP1. 2-Boiler heat exchanger unit with storage and pump. 3-Turbine unit for power generation.
4-Recuperator for energy recovery. 5-Condenser/cooling heat exchanger unit.
6-Membrane distillation plant (Air Gap configuration). 7-ORC pump. 8-Biogas boiler for sun off periods. 8-Cost analysis block. 9-Performance block.
Note that: For PTC collector the design operating temperature shouldn't exceed above 400oC.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Learn how to change working fluids through the FPC by the use of matlab/simulink lookup tables. In this Flat Plate Solar Collector design model, user will be able to discover the total area based on the assigned thermal load volume. The following paramters can be calculated: 1-Mean plate temperature. 2-FPC total area. 3-Overall losses. 4-Efficiency.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This is a performance model for solar still distillation by the use of Flat Plate Solar Collector. PCM storage medium is used at the Still bottom. At the same time, heat exchanger coil is used to enhance the still performance. Moreover, the glass cover is cooled down in order to increase the rate of condensation on the glass cover. User can calculate the still performance based on some general parameters. Area and design limits are considered known. User will be able to calculate the following: 1-Temperatures, oC. 2-Heat transfer coeff's. 3-Productivity. 4-Energy equations. 5-Efficiency. In this Flat Plate Solar Collector design model, user will be able to discover the total area based on the assigned thermal load volume. The following paramters can be calculated: 1-Mean plate temperature. 2-FPC total area. 3-Overall losses. 4-Efficiency.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This model is concerned about design and modeling of PTC/CST solar thermal power for power generation. Reverse osmosis and main grid are considered the load on the turbine unit. MED/MSF desalination plants will act as a condensation/desalination part through the cycle. The thermal power via solar PTC and CST will be transferred through the boiler heat exchanger unit to power on thermal steam Rankine cycle (power). The plant consists of the following: 1-Solar Molten Salt PTC and or CST. 2-Boiler heat exchanger unit with two storage sections (hot & cold). 3-Pump (Molten Salt). 4-Turbine unit. 5-MSF or MEDpf desalination. 6-Pump (steam). 7-Reverse Osmosis plant. 8-Cost block. 9-Performance block.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This is a performance model for solar still distillation by the use of baffles. User can calculate the still performance based on some general parameters. Area and design limits are considered known. User will be able to calculate the following: 1-Temperatures, oC. 2-Heat transfer coeff's. 3-Productivity. 4-Energy equations. 5-Cost.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
In this Evacuated tube Solar Collector (ETC) design model with Therminol-VP1 heat transfer oil is attached to PCM storage tank. The system is used to generate hot steam via flash evaporation tank. User will be able to discover the total area based on the assigned thermal load volume. The following paramters can be calculated: 1-Mean plate temperature. 2-ETC total area. 3-Overall losses. 4-Efficiency. 5-exergy analysis. The system main units are: 1-ETC. 2-PCM storage. 3-Oil pump. 4-Flash evaporation tank. 5-Water pump unit.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This model is about power generation from salinity gradients.RED cell consists in a set of ion exchange membranes, alternating cation (CEM), and anion exchange membranes (AEM), which are charged negatively and positively respectively. Using this membrane arrangement, river and sea water flow between membranes and in this way compartments are formed. Due to the difference in salt concentration between the waters, there is an electrochemical potential difference, which is the motive force for ions to flow through the membranes from the sea water compartments, to the river water compartments.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
A plate heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger that uses metal plates to transfer heat between two fluids. This has a major advantage over a conventional heat exchanger in that the fluids are exposed to a much larger surface area because the fluids are spread out over the plates. The concept behind a heat exchanger is the use of pipes or other containment vessels to heat or cool one fluid by transferring heat between it and another fluid. In most cases, the exchanger consists of a coiled pipe containing one fluid that passes through a chamber containing another fluid. The walls of the pipe are usually made of metal, or another substance with a high thermal conductivity, to facilitate the interchange, whereas the outer casing of the larger chamber is made of a plastic or coated with thermal insulation, to discourage heat from escaping from the exchanger. The model is designed for water to water sides. All design aspects will be calculated beside physical properties.
This system is about coupling different power systems with Standalone applications. The hybrid system contains the following: 1-Horizontal wind turbine. 2-Vertical wind Turbine. 3-Photovoltaic. 4-Concentrated solar gas engines (two models: Brayton and Stirling). 5-Diesel engine. 6-Main grid power. 7-Application. User should specify the application power and will be able to compare between different technologies based on the cost.
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This is a double pass Reverse Osmosis Membrane Desalination Process. The exit permeate from the 1st RO section could be divided or directed towards the the second section. This is a design model, so, user will be able to calculate all design aspects such as areas, flow rates, etc...
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
The design and operation of an Electrodialysis desalination process are based on a set of fixed and variable parameters such as stack construction, feed and product concentration, membrane properties, flow velocities, current density, recovery rates, etc. These parameters are interrelated and may be rather different for different applications. For an efficient operation of an electrodialysis desalination plant, the process has to be optimized in terms of overall costs considering component properties and operating parameters. In this study the design and optimization of an electrodialysis plant to be used for brackish water desalination has been treated. User has to assign the following:
1-Productivity. 2-Recovery ratio. 3-Inlet feed concentration.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Vapor-compression refrigeration or vapor-compression refrigeration system (VCRS), in which the refrigerant undergoes phase changes, is one of the many refrigeration cycles and is the most widely used method for air-conditioning of buildings and automobiles. It is also used in domestic and commercial refrigerators, large-scale warehouses for chilled or frozen storage of foods and meats, refrigerated trucks and railroad cars, and a host of other commercial and industrial services. In this model, user will be able to run the model dynamically. R134a and other ammonia fluids are used. User can add more working fluids based on his design. Cross flow cooling tower unit is used as a cooling load through the condenser unit of the vapor compression cycle.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This system is about coupling different power systems with reverse osmosis desalination plant. The hybrid system contains the following: 1-Horizontal wind turbine. 2-Vertical wind Turbine. 3-Photovoltaic with battires. 4-Concentrated solar gas engines (two models: Brayton and Stirling). 5-Diesel engine. 6-Main grid power. 7-Reverse osmosis. User should specify the productivity and some operating conditions for RO-energy recovery unit. Also it is very important to assign the kW power per set (wind turbine) in order to evaluate the number of wind turbine needed. User can select between different systems combined with RO. RO types: 1. RO-Basic 2. RO-PWT 3. RO-PEX
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Photovoltaic (PV)-Horizontal wind turbine unit (HWT) (0.3-8000kW range) is utilized to operate RO-with energy recovery devices membrane desalination plant. User should specify the productivity and some operating conditions for RO-energy recovery unit. Also it is very important to assign the kW power per set (wind turbine) in order to evaluate the number of wind turbine needed. Dynamic modeling is allowed in this model.
RO types:
1. RO-Basic
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model. Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub, All rights reserved.
This is a refrigeration cycle based on absorption operating conditions by the use of NH3/water refrigerant. There are four basic heat exchanger surfaces: the evaporator, the absorber, the generator, and the condenser, in addition to a liquid-liquid heat exchanger. Ammonia (NH3) is, basically, nothing more than freon. User will assign the following:
-Generator temperature.
-Absorber temperature.
-Evaporator temperature.
-Condenser temperature.
-The C.O.P
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
Learn how to connect more than one REDS models via matlab/simulink environment. Concentrated Solar Tower-Steam Rankine Cycle with Molten Salt model has been taken as an example to be connected with solar radiation model and Photovoltaic model.
A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy of a fuel (often hydrogen) and an oxidizing agent (often oxygen) into electricity through a pair of redox reactions. Fuel cells are different from most batteries in requiring a continuous source of fuel and oxygen (usually from air) to sustain the chemical reaction, whereas in a battery the chemical energy usually comes from metals and their ions or oxides that are commonly already present in the battery, except in flow batteries. Fuel cells can produce electricity continuously for as long as fuel and oxygen are supplied. User will assign the total power in order to calculate the following: 1-Cell number. 2-Mass flow rates. 3-Cell voltage. 4-Voltage losses. 5-Electrolyzer power. 6-PV design aspects, area, Isc, Voc, efficiency, number of modules, total system area, number of cells, etc...
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This model is about power generation by the use of concentrated solar tower system (CST). Solar tower has been used for Steam Rankine Cycle (SRC). User can assign the power rate in order to obtain all design aspects such as: 1-CST field design (area, No. of mirrors, tower height, etc..). 2-Design aspects for steam Rankine cycle. 3-Cost analysis are considered. 4-Energy, Exergy, and thermo-economic streams are calculated. 5-Molten salt heat transfer fluid is used through the CST. 6-Water steam is used for steam Rankine cycle. 7-Boiler heat exchanger-Storage unit is used as an intermediate unit. 8-Single storage with embedded pump unit is used. 9-Mechanical draft cooling tower. https://youtu.be/iI-dQZvixYU
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
A reciprocating compressor or piston compressor is a positive-displacement compressor that uses pistons driven by a crankshaft to deliver gases at high pressure. The intake gas enters the suction manifold, then flows into the compression cylinder where it gets compressed by a piston driven in a reciprocating motion via a crankshaft, and is then discharged. Applications include oil refineries, gas pipelines, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and refrigeration plants. The model is made for single cylinder (single or double acting) gas compressor.12 working gases are available in this model.
1-Monatomic gases. 2-diatomic gases. 3-Polyatomic gases.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
This model is about solar energy tower or solar chimney power plant. It also named as solar updraft tower (SUT) which is a design concept for a renewable-energy power plant for generating electricity from low temperature solar heat. Sunshine heats the air beneath a very wide greenhouse-like roofed collector structure surrounding the central base of a very tall chimney tower. The resulting convection causes a hot air updraft in the tower by the chimney effect. This airflow drives wind turbines, placed in the chimney updraft or around the chimney base, to produce electricity. The model calculates the design aspects such as:
-Tower height -Tower diameter -Collector diameter -Collector height
-Collector total area -Energy loss -Cost analysis
User has to assign the power and some operating conditions.
Dr. Mohamed A Sharaf
Learn how to extract your valuable data from REDS Library models via this example on solar still model. Use dynamic modeling with time, fixed point solver, matrix inputs, signal builder in order to plot and extract the needed data. Solar Still model is used as an example about how to use matlab/simulink capabilities.
Dr Mohamed A Sharaf Eldean
GeoThermal power plant (Single Flash Cyclone) is operated for power generation. The modeled is constructed based on design technoque of modeling. Dynamic modeling is allowed. The plant consists of:
1.Geothrmal well
2.Pumping unit.
3.Flashing tank.
4.Turbine unit.
6.Cooling tower (mechanical draft).
7.Gas compressor.
8.Cost analysis.
Dr. Mohamed A Sharaf Eldean
PV-Horizontal wind turbine unit (0.3-8000kW range) is utilized to operate RO-with energy recovery devices membrane desalination plant. User should specify the productivity and some operating conditions for RO-energy recovery unit. Also it is very important to assign the kW power per set (wind turbine) in order to evaluate the number of wind turbine needed. Dynamic modeling is allowed in this model.
RO types:
1. RO-Basic
https://www.redslibrary.com https://youtu.be/rGjq1GJb2Zw
Mohamed A Sharaf Eldean
**MatLab-SimuLink (64bit) should be used to run the model.
This cycle is about solar flashing thermal power for absorption refrigeration cycle. The solar part is constructed based on PTC with water working fluid. Flash cyclone tank is working as a steam generator unit. The absorption cycle contains generator, condenser, evaporator, and absorber. The model is constructed based on design considerations in order to calculate some issues such as:
2-Thermal loads.
3-Mass flow rates. etc...
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
This model is about solar water heater system by the use of flat plate solar collector (FPC). Ethylene Glycol is used through the FPC and the heat exchanger unit (HEX). The HEX unit will transfer its thermal power to the water storage tank (STG). Two pumps are used and powerd by Photovoltaic system (PV). The system is designed based on design technique of modeling. In this Flat Plate Solar Collector design model, user will be able to discover the total area based on the assigned thermal load volume. The following parameters can be calculated:
1-Mean plate temperature.
2-FPC total area.
3-Overall losses.
5-exergy analysis.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
as engines are mechanical devices working theoretically on the P=c, and V=C cycles, or its modifications, in which compressible fluids, such as air, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen or even vapors, are used as working fluids. In this model, CSGE is used to power on and operate the Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant. User should assign the plant productivity in order to get the design limits for desalination and solar parts. Hydro power plant is used as a power recovery instead of batteries or diesel power. Design model is developed to calculate the following:
1-Dish design parameters (area, efficiency, etc...).
2-Selecting Stirling or Brayton engines design parameters (volume, pressure, physical properties, etc...).
3-12 working gases are available for both engines. User can assign some parameters such as:
1-Productivity, m3/d.
2-Solar radiation data, W/m2.
3-Temperature and some physical properties.
4-RO configuration.
5-RO membrane type (area, salinity, recovery ratio,No. of membranes, etc...).
RO types are:
1- RO basic
Hydropower plant consists of:
1-Upper & Lower Tanks.
2-Pelton Wheel Turbine.
3-Centrifugal pump.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Vapor-compression refrigeration or vapor-compression refrigeration system (VCRS), in which the refrigerant undergoes phase changes, is one of the many refrigeration cycles and is the most widely used method for air-conditioning of buildings and automobiles. It is also used in domestic and commercial refrigerators, large-scale warehouses for chilled or frozen storage of foods and meats, refrigerated trucks and railroad cars, and a host of other commercial and industrial services. In this model, user will be able to run the model dynamically. R134a and other ammonia fluids are used. User can add more working fluids based on his design. PV electrical system is used for power generation to the compressor unit. The load on compressor will be generated from the PV plant.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model. REDS Library
This model is constructed based on Solar Still model by the use of feed tank and cooking stove units. During the day light, the solar still will produce the fresh water as normal by the use of solar radiation. During sun set periods, the stove cooker will act as a brine heater depending on the bio gases from the source in order to rise up the brine temperature to a suitable degrees. At sun set periods, the solar still will act as condenser unit with the use of the stove unit. The model is constructed based on design technique of modeling. user will be able to calculate all design aspects such as areas, flow rates, pressure, etc... User will assign the following:
1-Total productivity per day.
2-Solar radiation.
3-brine temperature.
4-Tank static head, m.
This model is about using geothermal power as a brine heater (steam source) for evaporation via direct vapor generation through the geothermal field. Flash evaporation tank is used to generate the heated brine from the geothermal well. The brine content from the flash tank is considered as a blowdown. Condenser unit is used for condensation process. Seawater or saline water will be pumped directly to the geothermal well. Free salt steam will be directly goes towards the condenser unit for condensation and fresh water production. Seawater will go first through the condenser unit for the cooling purpose of the extracted steam that coming from the geothermal well. The cycle contains the following:
1-Pump unit.
3-Geothermal well.
4-Flash evaporation Tank.
5-Cost analysis.
In this model, user can discover the design and performance aspects of Solar PV pumping unit. Furthermore; user can go through the calculation model for centrifugal pump, which the user can calculate the following:
-Pressure difference
-Actual pump head based on the addressed losses
-Specific speed: to decided the flow pump type (radial, mixed, or axial)
-Hub diameter
-Shaft diameter
Solar PV model is simulated based on two concepts: (a) Instant solar radiation W/m2, (b) Total daily solar radiation kWh/m2. PV model is run based on the load from the pumping unit. It can calculate the following:
-Sort circuit current
-Short circuit voltage
-Max current and voltage
-Cell and module efficiencies
-Module weight and dimensions
-FOB price, $/module and total PV costs
-Number of cells and modules
-Cell, module, total areas
-Batteries calculations
This model is about power generation by the use of Gas Turbine Cycle (GTC) with Air working gas. User can assign the grid needed power The load power from RO HPP is mainly supplied from the GTC. In order to obtain all design aspects such as:
1-RO design.
2-Design aspects for GTC.
3-Energy, and Exergy streams are calculated.
4-Air fluid is used through the GTC.
All cycles are prepared for dynamic and fixed point modeling.
All cycles are designed for electric power generation.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Follow the steps about how to select, download and pay for you matlab/simulink models on REDS Library.
This is the second part of how to create and connect all types of Multi Effect Distillation Desalination Process in one model. Watch the part No. 1:
Learn how to run your dynamic simulation by the use of signal builder block as a signal input for different operating conditions. The case study in this video is PV Vertical Wind Turbine Model for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant. https://youtu.be/MVI5gMuOCyo
Lear how to create MED desalination plant with all configurations by the use of matlab/simulink tool box. We are trying to make 4 configurations to be run in one model. This video is part No 1.
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Vapor-compression refrigeration or vapor-compression refrigeration system (VCRS), in which the refrigerant undergoes phase changes, is one of the many refrigeration cycles and is the most widely used method for air-conditioning of buildings and automobiles. It is also used in domestic and commercial refrigerators, large-scale warehouses for chilled or frozen storage of foods and meats, refrigerated trucks and railroad cars, and a host of other commercial and industrial services. In this model, user will be able to run the model dynamically. R134a and other ammonia fluids can be used. User can add more working fluids based on his design.
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Learn how to connect two different models by the use of REDS Library concept. This model is about Solar Gas Engine for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant.
Reverse Osmosis plant are designed for fresh water production. In this model, three different configurations are modeled and designed: Basic model, RO with Pelton Wheel Turbine (RO-PWT), RO with pressure exchanger unit (RO-PEX). The productivity range is from 0.1m3/d to 50,000m3/d. User can assign the following:
-Operating conditions
-Membrane type
-Recovery ratio
-HPP efficiency
Try design your own business based on PV aspects. Download and control your PV selection before going to the market. User can easily assign the PV power (5-280 Watt) & Solar flux (W/m2 and /or kWh/m2) to obtain the following:
1-Open circuit voltage, V.
2-Short circuit current, A.
3-Maximum voltage, V.
4-Maximum current, A.
5-Module efficiency, %.
6-Cell efficiency, %.
7-Net weight, kg.
8-The dimensions, m2.
9-The system total power, kW.
10-The battery capacity, Ah.
User can assign the total load in order to calculate many important parameters such as total area, module area, costs, etc.
This is a refrigeration cycle based on absorption operating conditions by the use of LiBr/water refrigerant. There are four basic heat exchanger surfaces: the evaporator, the absorber, the generator, and the condenser, in addition to a liquid-liquid heat exchanger. Lithium bromide is, basically, nothing more than salt water. However, lithium bromide is a salt with an especially strong attraction for water. Cooling tower model is considered a cooling part for absorption and condenser units. Cross flow cooling tower (1-780T/h) is used.
This model is about gas solids separator unit. Cyclone Separators are most commonly used equipment for the separation of dust particles from an air/gas stream is the cyclone separator. The dust-laden gas stream enters near the top of the collection chamber tangentially. The force on the larger particles is greater than the force on the smaller ones because the latter particles have less mass and therefore spiral downward into the dust hopper. When the gas velocity is not sufficient to suspend the particles, gravity causes the particles to fall into the dust collection chamber. Further, a small-diameter cyclone generates a greater centrifugal force than a large diameter unit. User will discover all design aspects for this device.
GeoThermal plant (Single Flash Cyclone) is operated in order to power on the Multi Effect Distillation thermal vapor compression desalination plant. User can assign the total plant productivity. No power generation developed through this model. Its operated for only desalination. The plant consists of: 1.Geothrmal well 2.Pumping unit. 3.Flashing tank. 4.MEDpf-TVC. 5.Cost analysis.
Learn how to run and extract your valuable data from Two passes surface condenser unit.
Geothermal power plant (Single Flash Cyclone) is operated in order to power on the Multi Effect Distillation thermal vapor compression desalination plant. User can assign the total plant productivity. The plant total power will be calculated based on the requested plant productivity. The plant consists of: 1.Geothermal well 2.Pumping unit. 3.Flashing tank. 4.Turbine unit. 5.MEDpf-TVC. 6.Cost analysis.
GeoThermal plant (Single Flash Cyclone) is operated in order to power on the Multi Stage Flash desalination plant. User can assign the total plant productivity. No power generation developed through this model. Its operated for only desalination. The plant consists of:
1.Geothrmal well
2.Pumping unit.
3.Flashing tank.
5.Cost analysis
User should specify the required *power in kW per set in order to gain the following: 1-Wind speed, m/s 2-Rotor diameter, m 3-Tower height, m 4-Initial cost, $ 5-Number of wind turbines, # 6-Torque, N.m 7-Rotor speed, RPM 8-Power coefficient *Note That: The power range per set is 0.2-50 kW
This model is about using geothermal power as a brine heater (steam source) for evaporation via direct vapor generation through the geothermal field. Condenser unit is used for condensation process. Seawater or saline water will be pumped directly to the geothermal well. Free salt steam will be directly goes towards the condenser unit for condensation and fresh water production. Seawater will go first through the condenser unit for the cooling purpose of the extracted steam that coming from the geothermal well. The cycle contains the following: 1-Pump unit. 2-Condenser. 3-Geothermal well. 4-Cost analysis.
Solar CSP plant with (Single Flash Cyclone) is operated in order to power on the Multi Stage Flash desalination plant. User can assign the total plant productivity. No power generation developed through this model. Its operated for only desalination. The plant consists of: 1.PTC water steam working fluid. 2.Pumping unit. 3.Flashing tank. 4.MSFbr. 5.Cost analysis. 6.Performance block.
Learn how to deal with such models. This model is about power generation by the use of Parabolic Trough Collector system (PTC) combined with Gas Turbine Cycle (GTC) with CO2 working gas. Therminol-VP1 heat transfer oil is used through the PTC cycle. User can assign the grid needed power in order to obtain all design aspects such as: 1-PTC field design (area, Loops, etc..). 2-Design aspects for GTC. 3-Energy, and Exergy streams are calculated. 4-CO2 fluid is used through the GTC. 5-Therminol-VP1 HTO is used through the PTC cycle.
This model is about power generation by the use of concentrated solar tower system (CST) combined with Gas Turbine Cycle (GTC) with CO2 working gas. User can assign the grid needed power in order to obtain all design aspects such as: 1-CST field design (area, No. of mirrors, tower height, etc..). 2-Design aspects for GTC. 3-Energy, and Exergy streams are calculated. 4-CO2 fluid is used through the GTC. All cycles are prepared for dynamic and fixed point modeling. All cycles are designed for electric power generation.
Learn how to extract your results from flat plate solar collector simulink model.
This model is about single effect evaporation powered by mechanical vapor compression for seawater desalination. The plant includes the following: 1-Single effect evaporation. 2-Mechanical vapor compression. 3-Distillate/Feed preheater (plate heat exchanger). 4-Brine/Feed preheater (Plate heat exchanger).
This model is about counter flow cooling towers. User has the ability to calculate the following items: 1-Air and water operating conditions (T, P, V, h). 2-Humidity of the air at inlet and outlet. 3-The approach. 4-Fan diameter, m. 5-Heat loss by water, kJ/h. 6-Air flow rate, m3/h. 7-Heat gained by air, kJ/h. 8-Make-up water, kg/h. 9-Fan power, kW. 10-Design aspects. User can sleect between circular type or conventional type cooling towers.
This model contains different types of cooling towers: 1-Cross flow mechanical cooling tower (8 models). 2-Counter flow mechanical cooling tower (2 models). 3-Natural draft cooling tower. Watch how to deal with cross flow types.
Diesel generator unit for power calculations. 1.User should specify the efficiencies. 2.Environmental conditions. 3.The brake power in kW. 4.Bore and stroke in m.
This model is a design model based on single effect evaporation desalination process. User can assign the productivity in order to discover the following: 1-Areas, m2. 2-Vapor temperature, oC. 3-Performance ratio. 4-Feed flow rate results, kg/s. Dynamic model is considered. User can set the simulation time as "inf" and change the input data based on his need.
Learn how to extract your data from CST model by the use of signal inspector or single point run.
Learn how to extract your data or analysis from Parabolic Trough Solar Collector matlab/simulink model.
Learn how to extract your data from Geothermal Binary ORC for Multi Effect Distillation Desalination and power generation. This is a demo for matlab/simulink model.
A brief description about REDS software work and models with a running model about single flash steam for MED thermal vapor compression. Learn how to download our models.
Geothermal binary cycle for ORC powered MEDpf desalination & power generation is performed. The plant consists of:
1-Geothermal well with saturated liquid output. 2-BHX evaporator as intermediate unit (heat exchanger). 3-ORC with Toluene working fluid (turbine, recuperator,pump). 4-EDpf with 1st effect condenser, and end plant condenser. 5-Well pump. 6-Cost block. 7-Performance block. ? This model is designed to calculate the power electricity and design limits for a specified MEDpf capacities operated by Geothermal Organic Rankine cycle (GORC). ? Thermo physical, energy, exergy, cost, streams are calculated.
GeoThermal power plant (Single Flash Cyclone) is operated in order to power on the Multi Effect Distillation desalination plant. User can assign the total plant productivity. The plant total power will be calculated based on the requested plant productivity. Cost analysis block is considered. The plant consists of:
1.Geothrmal well
2.Pumping unit.
3.Flashing tank.
4.Turbine unit.
5.MEDpf (1st effect is the condenser).
6.Cost block.
This model is about desalination and power generation by the use of concentrated solar tower system (CST) combined with MEDpf configuration. User can assign the production rate of fresh water in order to obtain all design aspects such as: 1-CST field design (area, No. of mirrors, tower height, etc..). 2-Design aspects for steam Rankine cycle. 3-All operating conditions and design limits for MEDpf. 4-Cost analysis are considered. 5-Energy, Exergy, and thermo-economic streams are calculated. 6-Molten salt heat transfer fluid is used through the CST. 7-Water steam is used for steam Rankine cycle. 8-Boiler heat exchanger-Storage unit is used as an intermidiate unit. 9-Single storage with embedded pump unit is used.
In this CST simulink model, user should specify the some of the operating conditions. User can discover the following: 1-CST design aspects (tower height, cavity diameter, field dimentions, etc. 2-Efficiency. 3-Energy loss. 4-Areas. 5-Molten salt heat transfer fluid is used through the CST. 6-Physical operating conditions. 7-Cost.
In this Flat Plate Solar Collector design model, user will be able to discover the total area based on the assigned thermal load volume. The following parameters can be calculated:
1-Mean plate temperature.
2-FPC total area.
3-Overall losses.
5-Exergy analysis.
6-Heat removal factor.
7-Efficiency factor.
8-Fin efficiency.
This model is performed to calculate the performance aspects of the PTC-MS (Parabolic Trough Collector with Molten Salt working fluid) based on the considerations of the MATS project 2012. User can calculate the following:- 1-Outlet collector temperature. 2-The receiver temperature. 3-The useful energy. 4-The Collector performance. Dynamic modeling is allowed.
This is a general design model for solar still distillation. User can calculate the needed area based on some general parameters. Solar still area based on still productivity Pst kg/m2.day, daily solar radiation Hs MJ/m2.day, ambient temperature oC, mean wind velocity km/h. User will be able to calculate the following:
1-Productivity, kg/m2.day
2-Still area, m2
3-Glass area, m2
4-Energy to the environment
5-Glass cover temperature
6-Insulation thickness
7-Glass cover tilt angle
8-Basin depth in cm
9-Solar radiation analysis
10-Cost analysis Solar Radiation Model is very important for the engineering science technology. User can easily recognize how much solar radiation flux hit the location of operation. User can choose between many famous models and can collect monthly average, daily average, total, and instant W/m2.
User should specify the productivity and some operating conditions for RO-erd unit. Also it is very important to assign the kW power. Fuel Cell is embedded for steady operation. Cost analysis are embedded with in the main simulink block. The model is built based on design technique of modeling. User can calculate the size of the FC, the flow rate, the temperature, the pressure, the efficiency and the weight.
This model is about natural draft wet cooling tower (NDCT wet). User has the ability to calculate the following items:
1-Air and water operating conditions (T, P, V, h). 2-Humidity of the air at inlet and outlet. 3-The approach. 4-COOLING TOWER RANGE: 5-Heat loss by water, kJ/h. 6-Volume of air required, m3/kg. 7-Heat gained by air, kJ/h. 8-Mass of air, kg/h. 9-Make-up water, kg/h. 10-Losses 11-Design aspects. 12-Capital and operating costs.
This is a general model for all types of wind turbines. User can select between Horizontal type or vertical type. For all types, user can discover all design aspects such as: • Starting wind speed (cut-in speed), m/s. • Average wind speed, m/s. • Hub height, m (HWT) and Fin length, m (VWT). • Rotor diameter, m. • The rotor speed, RPM. • The unit cost, $. • Number of blades in case of vertical type. • Wind farm design (number of required wind turbines, area and dimensions).
Learn how to run Matlab/Simulink model of Solar Organic Rankine Cycle for Multi Stage Flash desalination process.
A heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat between a solid object and a fluid, or between two or more fluids. The fluids may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact. User can assign the following: 1-Cold side temperature, oC. 2-Hot side temperature, oC. 3-Working fluid sides (water-oil-air-ammonia-steam). 4-Type of heat exchanger (Parallel-Counter-Cross-Shell & Tube).
Watch how to run a MatLab/Simulink model for single flash geothermal power plant for desalination process (Reverse Osmosis). The model consists of:
1-Geothermal well.
2-Pumping system.
3-Single flash tank.
4-Steam turbine.
5-Two passes condenser.
6-Concentrated Solar Gas engines (Stirling and/or Brayton).
7-Reverse Osmosis (Basic + PWT + PEX).
Watch how to deal with our www.redslibrary.com website. See how to download your simulink model based on Renewable Energy Desalination Systems. Step by step see how to download and pay.
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PV-Vertical wind turbine unit (0.2-50kW range) is utilized to operate RO-with three types membrane desalination plant. User should specify the productivity and some operating conditions for RO-basic unit. Also it is very important to assign the kW power per set (wind turbine) in order to evaluate the num-ber of wind turbine needed. Splitter control room can assign the load betweenPV and the VWT units.RO types are:
1- RO basic
In this model, oil refinery waste gases are utilized as a main source of fuel in order to power on thermal desalination processes (MSF/MED). The plant consists of the following: 1-Waste gases source, 2-Steam generator, 3-Brine heater, 4-MSF, 5-Flash tank, 6-MED, 7-Accumulative tank, 8-Pump.
Mechanical vapor-compression desalination process (MVC) is the most attractive and valuable among different single stage desalination processes. The MVC system is compact, confined, and does not require external heating source, which is opposite to thermal, absorption, or adsorption vapor compression. The system is driven by electric power; therefore, it is suitable for remote population areas with access to power grid lines. Another advantage of the MVC system is the absence of the down condenser and the cooling water requirements.
In this model solar SRC for electricity and thermal power generation is used to power on the MED-PF configuration. User should assign the total productivity, efficiency, and some design limits. The exhausted stream from solar SRC is utilized to power on the 1st effect of the MED-PF unit. The power developed from the SRC turbine is used for public electricity grid. Hot and cold storage are used in this model for Molten Salt (MS) heat transfer fluid.
In this model tutorial, watch how to run solar thermal power cycle for Multi Effect Distillation with thermal vapor compression.User can change some parameters such as:
1- Plant productivity, 2- Solar radiation, 3- Parabolic trough collector top temperature, 4- Steam ejector compression ratio and so on...
Learn how to run a solar PV model assisted Reverse Osmosis desalination plant.
Discover how to run solar radiation model based on matlab/simulink browser. User can simulate and predict the solar radiation insolation at the location of operation. User can easily assign the day of the year, location data, and day hours to calculate the instant radiation, hourly global radiation, daily average, monthly average, and a lot of useful data. MatLab-Simulink environment should be used.
Gas engines are mechanical devices working theoretically on the P, V=C cycle, or its modifications, in which compressible fluids, such as air, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen or even vapors, are used as working fluids. Air is used in this model. Design model is developed to calculate the following:1-Dish design parameters (area, efficiency, etc...).2-Selecting Stirling or Brayton engines design parameters (volume, pressure, physical properties, etc...). User can assign some parameters such as:1-Power needed by the load, kW.2-Solar radiation data, W/m2. 3-Temperature and some physical properties.
In this model, user can discover the design and performance aspects of Solar PV pumping unit. Furthermore; user can go through the calculation model for centrifugal pump, which the user can calculate the following: -Power -Torque -Pressure difference -Actual pump head based on the addressed losses -Specific speed: to decided the flow pump type (radial, mixed, or axial) -Hub diameter -Shaft diameter
Download and discover how to run Reverse Osmosis Desalination plant with energy recovery devices such as, Pelton Wheel device, Pressure Exchanger device.
Discover how to run your Multi Effect Distillation desalination process via REDS software. This is a design model for Multiple-effect distillation parallel feed configuration (MED-PF). It consists of multiple stages or "effects". In each stage the feed water is heated by steam in tubes, usually by spraying saline water onto them. Some of the water evaporates, and this steam flows into the tubes of the next stage (effect), heating and evaporating more water. Each stage essentially reuses the energy from the previous stage, with successively lower temperatures and pressures after each one. Additionally, between stages this steam uses some heat to preheat incoming saline water.
Discover how to run Multi Stage Flash Desalination plant via REDS library models. The video is about how to run your model, how to assign your data, and how to collect your results.
Step by step, learn how to deal with REDS library models. See how can you download your designed model.
Learn how to select and down load your model choice. Watch this simple movie example.
Learn how to run and assign the input data for the waste gases desalination model. User can easily assign his input data such as the main plant productivity m3/d for both desalination plants (MSF-BR and MED-PF). MSF and MED are connected to each other via flash separation tank. User can watch the steam quality in the tank.
Reverse Osmosis model is very important as a membrane desalination technology. Learn how to operate the model and assign your parameters.
Watch how to run and extract data from PVa model. Before you buy and download the PVa model, watch the tutorial video to know how to run and collect data from the model example.

Learn how to use and create solar desalination models via MatLab-SimuLink GUI.

PhD Thesis presentation
Learn the Idea behind the model construction of the REDS library through the PhD presentation.