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Renewable Energy Desalination Systems
Renewable Energy Advisor for Domestic and Industrial Production
We have a great experience
POWERSOL project (FP6-INCO2004-MPC3, 032344).
-Funding: 1.050.000,00 €, European Commission.
-Program: International Cooperation Activities, INCO. 1/01/2007- 31/12/2009). -
MATS project (FP7- Project No: 268219)
-FP7-ENERGY-2010-2-ENERGY CALL PART 2 Topic 2.9-1 Demonstration of innovating
multipurpose solar plants. -
POWERSUN project (ID 1372), project with University of Ain Shams via STDF organization (2010-2012). -Funding: 1.844.240,00 EGP, Science and Technology Development Fund-STDF (Egypt).
RDI project (with Alexandria University “Innovative Renewable Energy (RE) Driven-MSF System with Salts Precipitator and Nano-Filtration (NF) Feed Pre-treatment (RE-NF-MSF)”.
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