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Renewable Energy & Desalination Systems Journal


An International Journal

Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed A Sharaf 

Aims & Scope


Renewable Energy & Desalination Systems Journal (REDSJ) provides a forum for information on innovation, research, development and demonstration in the areas of Renewable Energy conversion, Energy Engineering, Engineering Economy, Engineering Science technologies and Water Desalination. These energy types cover all known energy resources, including renewable resources (e.g., solar, bio, hydro, wind, geothermal and ocean energy), fossil fuels and nuclear resources beside all novel technologies in water treatment and water desalination. The journal publishes original papers, review articles, technical notes, and letters to the editor. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts which bridge the gaps between research, development and implementation. Renewable Energy & Desalination Systems Journal is also concerned with the attendant problems of modelling and simulation, conservation strategies, and the environmental impact. We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts.


  • Mechanical engineering

  • Electrical engineering

  • Energy engineering

  • Engineering science

  • Chemical engineering

  • Metallurgical engineering

  • Environmental engineering

Editorial Board


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Hassan E.S Fath

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Hassan El-Banna S. Fath Expert in Desalination & Energy Technologies (Academic & Industrial Experience)

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Kamaruzzaman B. Sopian

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Sopian is an expert in advance solar energy (Photovoltaic & Solar Thermal) engineering.

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Abdel Nasser Mabrouk

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Abdel Nasser Mabrouk is an expert in modelling and simulation of desalination systems.

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Sabbah M.S Ataya

Professor, Metallurgical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Sabbah Ataya is an expert in material science, alloys, and metallurgical engineering.


Khawaja M Rafi

Professor, Electrical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Khawaja M Rafi is an expert in modelling, simulation of renewable energy and integrated systems.

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A.M. Soliman

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Soliman is an expert in energy engineering.

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Faruk Kiliç

Assoc Professor, Machine Engineering

Assoc Prof. Dr. Faruk is an expert in energy and system engineering.

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Naimur R Kidawi

Assoc Professor, Electronics Engineering

Assoc Prof. Dr. Maimur Kidawi is an expert in energy and electronic systems engineering.


Emad M. Ahmed

Assoc Professor, Electrical Engineering

Assoc Prof. Dr. Emad is an expert in energy engineering and electrical engineering.

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Ashutosh Sharma

Dr, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma is an expert in electronics and communication.

REDSJ Directory

Mohamed Abdelwahab Sherafeldin
REDS Library @ 
6 Jalan Usahwan, Setapak Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel. +60 1139795943
Koza Mahellasi, Esenyurt, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel. +60 1139795943

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